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Serving is Life


In his book, “The Purpose Driven Life,“ Rick Warren asserts that each of us is created for a specific mission or purpose in this life. And although I believe that all humans have individual callings on our lives, these callings collectively are designed for one common goal—to serve others.

What comes to mind for you when you hear the words “serve others?” Volunteering at the local soup kitchen? Participating in your church service projects? Visiting the elderly in the nursing home? All of these are great opportunities, but I would like to challenge you that being a servant is much more. It’s an attitude.

Jesus said in Mark 10:43-44 “But among you it will be different. Whoever wants to be a leader among you must be your servant and whoever wants to be first among you must be the slave of everyone else.”

Real service to others is finding practical ways to show other people they matter. It’s a way of saying, “Hey, you’re important, and I want to prove it to you.”

God told Abraham that he was going to bless him and his descendants, but he didn’t stop there. He commanded Abraham to then be a blessing to others. It was the ultimate “pay it forward.”

We have often heard, “when life gives you lemons, make lemonade.” That sounds great, but then what? I believe the obvious response is to then share it with others. God has designed us to serve others. It is wired in our DNA. Serving others is not just in our purpose; I believe it is our purpose. Because in serving others, we serve Jesus and bring him glory. We reflect Him to the world. Scientific research shows that people who serve others live longer, have less depression, are much more grateful and happy in their lives.

So how do we actually “put on” this attitude of serving? I propose that it is an awareness of each and every moment that you live. Be open to and look for the opportunities that God has put in front of you. Know that He has filtered everything that happens to you and that there is purpose in where you are right now. He wants to use you to “pay it forward,” and be that blessing to others. That person you meet might need a smile and an encouraging word. The lady at the Home Depot struggling to load her car may need to know that other people see her and care. The kid who offers to carry out your groceries may need some conversation and a walk outside. That co-worker with the negative attitude may just need someone to lend a listening ear. Look for things that need to be done and do them if you can. Instead of thinking, “I wish someone would do something about that,” ask God how you might step up and help. Frame all of these moments as divine appointments that God has put on your calendar.

Brene Brown said, “Connection is why we’re here. We are hardwired to connect with others, it’s what gives purpose and meaning to our lives, and without it there is suffering.”

I challenge you today to look for those divine appointments and look forward to what God can and will do through you stepping into serving others.

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